Data Protection NewsFeed

Wipro's Ivana Bartoletti Demands AI Accountability

Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer at Wipro, is calling on companies and governments to take greater responsibility in protecting individuals from the potential misuse of artificial intelligence tools. As an advisor to the Council of Europe and co-founder of the Women Leading in AI network, Bartoletti emphasizes the need for increased accountability in the development and deployment of AI technologies.

EDPS Clarifies AI Model Anonymity and Legitimacy

The European Data Protection Supervisor's Office responded to questions posed by the European Data Protection Commission regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) models. The office addressed four key issues, including whether AI models can be anonymous, the legitimacy of relying on a "legitimate interest" legal basis for processing personal data in AI contexts, and how individuals' reasonable expectations are considered when their data is processed in AI models. Additionally, it clarified that unlawful processing during an AI model's development phase does not necessarily affect its lawfulness once operational.