The Indian government has allocated over Rs 10,300 crore to bolster the country's AI ecosystem through the IndiaAI Mission. The initiative aims to enhance the nation's workforce readiness for AI by providing training and mitigating barriers to entry in AI programs. So far, nearly 8.6 lakh candidates have enrolled in the 'India Future Skills' program, which is being developed in collaboration with industry partners. The government plans to establish AI Data Labs in cities such as Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Shimla, Aurangabad, Patna, Buxar, and Muzaffarpur. The sectors of agriculture, education, healthcare, logistics, and finance are expected to benefit from AI solutions tailored to the country's needs. to a PYMNTS Intelligence report, 55% of middle-market business CFOs are willing to pay up to 3% of an invoice amount for automated invoice approval and payment solutions. These AI-powered systems offer enhanced security by detecting anomalies in transactional data, reducing the risk associated with paper checks. Additionally, they simplify compliance by continuously monitoring regulatory changes and updating processes accordingly. National Security Bureau (NSB) in Taiwan has identified six key tactics employed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to spread disinformation on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. The tactics include flooding social media with information to change voter behavior, impersonating Taiwanese users and official accounts to spread fake news, leveraging military exercises for propaganda, posting artificial intelligence-generated deepfakes of Taiwanese officials, co-opting integrated media accounts to spread propaganda, and establishing multilingual news sites to reinforce the CCP's "one China" principle internationally. The NSB reported 3,900 cases of disinformation to government agencies and hosted over 100 exchange events with like-minded nations to share expertise on countering these tactics. increasing demand for artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to lead to a significant surge in energy consumption, potentially outpacing supply and hindering its development. Data centers that support AI models such as GPT-4 and Gemini currently account for around 3% of the US's annual electricity usage, but this share is projected to more than double in the next five to ten years. According to estimates, AI's energy consumption could reach 93 terawatt-hours by 2030, surpassing Washington State's total energy consumption in 2022., a pioneering Generative AI platform, has partnered with AMD to leverage its advanced hardware and improve operational efficiency across various sectors. This technology enables businesses and creators to produce high-quality visual content using AI-driven tools such as face-swap, avatars, and translation. As a result, AKOOL empowers personalized and dynamic audience engagement on a global scale. false image of a woman named Amelia Carter was shared online in connection with the recent subway burning incident in New York City, leading some people to believe she was the victim. However, Carter herself confirmed on social media that she was "alive and well." Experts say the initial image may have been created by a generative adversarial network (GAN), a type of AI used for creating fake images. The image's low quality made it difficult to analyze properly. The incident highlights how bad actors often take advantage of people's desire for information, promoting their own agendas in the process. Authorities have identified the victim as Kawam from New Jersey, who had recently been living in a homeless shelter in New York City before the incident. Chinese Cyberspace Administration (CAC) has taken steps to address the growing threat of internet trolls using AI-powered software tools to manipulate accounts and fabricate trending topics. The CAC has urged website platforms to cooperate with authorities to investigate these groups, enhance their technical measures to detect and neutralize group control software and bot accounts, and implement a long-term governance framework to tackle the issue. This effort aims to strengthen coordination between administrative penalties and criminal prosecutions, ultimately improving the online environment in China. are exploiting advanced AI-powered tools, such as deepfakes and emulators, to bypass biometric security defenses in critical sectors like finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and government. As a result, organizations are facing unprecedented identity verification vulnerabilities. To combat this threat, companies must invest in adaptive, AI-enhanced biometric systems that include real-time monitoring and features such as behavioral and liveness detection. This is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and transactions, as well as building public and partner trust. D2SF's portfolio company GenGenAI received the Innovation Award at CES 2025 for its AI synthetic data technology. The company, founded just three months prior, specializes in generating diverse sectors such as mobility, defense/military, and security/surveillance using domain-specialized generative AI technology. Its platform, "GenGenStudio," can efficiently generate data essential for AI training, reducing collection time by over 90% and costs by more than 50%. GenGenAI is expanding its client base domestically and internationally, collaborating with companies such as automakers, parts suppliers, the Korean Army, and Hanwha Systems. The company has validated the excellence of synthetic data through feedback from clients, achieving AI accuracy on par with or exceeding that of real data when using only its own synthetic data.