Student NewsFeed

Indonesia Tackles Bullying in Doctor Training Program

The Indonesian Health Ministry, along with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and law enforcement officers, are establishing a task force to address bullying in the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) following the case of Dr. Aulia Risma Lestari in Semarang. The task force aims to improve the efficiency of identifying bullying cases and create a stronger deterrent effect. Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the initiative will be implemented systematically across all teaching hospitals and medical faculties throughout Indonesia, emphasizing the need for empathy among specialist doctors. He encouraged PPDS students to report instances of bullying directly to the Health Ministry and advised seniors to break the chain of bullying, which can have a detrimental effect on their juniors' mental well-being while they care for patients.

Melbourne Teens Suffer High Anxiety Rates

A recent study by the Murdoch Children's Research Institute found that almost three-quarters of Australian adolescents experience clinically significant symptoms of depression or anxiety during their teenage years. The research, which tracked over 1,200 children from Melbourne between 2012 and 2019, revealed that 74% of participants reported experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety at least once between the ages of 10 and 18. Notably, girls were found to be at a higher risk, with 84% reporting symptoms compared to 61% of boys. The study's lead author, Ellie Robson, expressed concern about the findings, highlighting that mental health problems in adolescence can have serious lifelong consequences.

Crashing on Campus: A Teen's Descent into Darkness

The author's life took a drastic turn after being involved in a bike accident that left them with injuries and depression. Despite struggling with mental health issues during high school at Long Island, attending Binghamton University provided a sense of freedom and relief from their parents' constant pressure, allowing the author to explore their identity.

Half of Kids Suffer Mental Instability: CAMPE Study

A survey conducted by CAMPE found that nearly half of respondents reported noticing mental instability in children, with other common issues including inattention to education, unruly behavior, device addiction, fearfulness, panic, and a sense of insecurity among children. To address these concerns, the organization recommends that parents adopt a supportive approach, limit mobile use, and encourage participation in local sports and cultural activities.