Productivity NewsFeed

Amazon's Return to Office Sparks Hybrid Work Debate

As large corporations such as Amazon require employees to return to the office full-time, it may seem like the hybrid work revolution was a temporary response to lockdown measures. However, experts argue that this shift is part of an ongoing process of realignment in the workplace, driven by factors including trust, technology, productivity, creativity, family, finance and mental health. According to Tim Whiteley, co-founder of Inevidesk, it is crucial for organizations to maintain the ability to adopt hybrid working arrangements to ensure business resilience.

Flexible Work Arrangements Tame Toxic Managers' Impact

A study suggests that promoting workplace social media use alongside flexible work arrangements can foster a more resilient workforce capable of handling difficult managers. This is because toxic behavior from supervisors, such as public ridicule, unfair blame, and angry outbursts, can lead to employee disengagement and turnover.

Xu Study Reveals Dark Side of Leader Mood Swings

Dr. Haoying Xu has conducted a study that suggests intermittent bad behavior from leaders can be more detrimental to an organization than previously thought. This is particularly relevant in today's workplace, where mental health is becoming a growing concern. The research implies that it is essential for companies to reassess their leadership codes and acknowledge the significant impact of a leader's mood swings on the team.