YouTube has launched a new feature in India to help viewers find high-quality health information from registered healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, and health information providers. The feature is an expansion of YouTube's existing health source information panels and health content shelves. This move aims to make it easier for people to access reliable health information and avoid misinformation. has rolled out restrictions on videos that idealize certain fitness levels or weight groups, socially aggressive content, and repeated recommendations of videos that may be problematic for teenagers. The new rule is aimed at preventing teens from forming negative beliefs about themselves. YouTube will limit repeated recommendations of videos that compare and idealise physical features, are socially aggressive, or promote unhealthy behaviors. This is part of a broader effort to address concerns over the impact of social media on young people's mental health and well-being. The restrictions are being implemented in Europe and around the world, following guidance from YouTube's youth and family advisory committee.