Jeff, a 47-year-old filmmaker who lived with his actress wife Aubrey in Los Angeles, has died by suicide. The news is eerily reflected in one of his films, which depicts a character named Elliott warning her younger self to stay away from a boy named Chad due to the tragic outcome of their relationship. In a video posted on TikTok, an older version of Elliott must inform her younger self that her love interest has died, mirroring real-life events.'s #ThinkTwice campaign aimed to promote kindness and positivity by featuring content from popular creators such as @yimotapir, @wfsufina, and @lawyergandhi, as well as civil society organisations like @mycontentforum and @awammalaysia. The initiative also included three livestream webinars with mental health professionals and experts, which were viewed by over 417,000 people. Additionally, the #ThinkTwice resource hub recorded around 300,000 visits and over 500 students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam pledged to promote a safer online community in collaboration with Content Forum. The campaign was launched in September 2024 and aimed to raise awareness about TikTok's Community Guidelines and safety features. Ahmed Abd Elbary, a UK-based GP with 291,000 followers on TikTok, has expressed concerns about certain medications he prescribes to his patients. He specifically mentioned citalopram, an antidepressant taken by millions of people, as one medication he is reluctant to prescribe due to its potential side effects and the availability of alternative treatments.